We could, and I did, as it is the "political theory" that a Movement is guided by for its "weltanschaung" that defines fascism, or any ideology. And I've been pointing out here, to mocking, derision, and name calling, since 2015 that the political ideas (theory) held by Trump, as handed down from Willmoore Kendall particularly, combined with the Kahanist ideas of Yoram Hazony and National Conservatives, defined Trump and his disciples as "fascist," as most visible with their cohering ideologically with their fellow fascists of the Israeli Right. I disagree with this slightly, however: "Fascism … is more of an energy than an ideology. It does not communicate through the mind. It is pumped into the heart and enforced by the fist. It is intellectually vacuous and constantly shifting." As Heritage Foundation boasts of its own fascism, though it doesn't call it that, anymore than Buckley, Kendall, or Burnham (with the latter recognized as one by no less an authority than Orwell) did of their own fascist political thought, it begins as "ideas." Then it becomes manifested as "energy" to the "Crowd's Mind," as Mussolini first, and then Hitler, recognized, and achieved. Our fascists such as Hazony openly call it the "Battle for Consciousness," or "of Ideas." But this "Battle" is child's play for the fascists as I've realized more and more here, as they're "armed" with intellectual missiles, and their their intended victims they're subjugating don't even have the equivalent of an "intellectual cap gun."